Low Vision Services
At an Brisbane Optometrist Clinic Low Vision Service, a team will evaluate your vision to assist you with a comprehensive rehabilitation plan to help you achieve realistic goals that will increase your independence and improve your quality of life.
The team consists of:
- An experienced low vision optometrist
- A low vision resident
- One or two optometric interns
The initial evaluation lasts about 90 minutes and may extend for one or more visits depending on the complexity of your needs.
Low Vision rehabilitation
In the Low Vision Service, we begin with a comprehensive low vision evaluation which includes:
- Case history and goal setting
- Evaluation of functional vision
- Health evaluation if needed
- Special testing
Depending on your visual goals and needs, your care will include all or some of the following:
- Optical device evaluation-microscopes, telescopes, magnifiers
- Driving recommendations and bioptic telescope fitting
- Filter and lighting evaluation
- Electronic device evaluation
- Computer consultation with adaptive software
- Visual field enhancement strategies
For the best success with rehabilitation, we will provide training in the use of low vision devices which include visual skills training with and without magnifying devices to help you use the best portion of your remaining vision.
Other specialists may be involved in the total care of low vision patients. They may include orientation mobility specialists, psychologists, and social workers.
Continuing Care
It takes patience, practice and time to become proficient in using low vision devices. The doctors and interns of the Low Vision Service are available to assist you in adapting to the devices. When you succeed in achieving your original goals, then new ones can be set. As your vision or lifestyle changes, your needs may also change; hence, the Low Vision Service will continue to work with you to meet those needs.